Author Ch’kara SilverWolf on Paranormal Wednesday

Ch’kara SilverWolf

Please welcome author of Daughter of Light & Dark, Ch’kara SilverWolf, to Paranormal Wednesday!

About Ch’kara SilverWolf

Ch’kara SilverWolf lives in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges in Victoria, Australia with her partner and two beautiful Maine Coon cats.

She travelled around the world in her early twenties worked in the film industry in London for ten years. Then spent a year travelling in America, and after returning to Australia worked in Advertising, as well as doing volunteer work for several years in her spare time, before settling down to write seriously.

Daughter of Light & Dark is her first full length novel, and is the first in a series ‘Prophecy of Nitesh’. She has written many short stories and a few not quite finished novels.

Ch’kara has always had a love of fantasy, magik and the esoteric. Her interests are in “storytelling, medieval folk lore & myth, fantasy art”. She loves the characters from her writing, has always loved mystical and fantasy creatures, they are like old friends who come alive on the pages.

Some of her favourite authors and artists are Traci Harding, Terry Brooks, Sara Douglass, Kate Forsyth, Lisa Williamson, Jade Kerrion, Linell Jeppsen, Selina Fenech, Jessica Galbreth, and Ravynne Phelan

Paranormal Romance Daughter of Light & Dark by Ch’kara SilverWolf

About Daughter of Light & Dark

This is the story of Montayna, a young woman born of both light and dark magik who never knew her parents.

She earns her freedom with a bit of magik even she was hardly aware of, but her skill is growing and she needs to find answers. Who is she? Where did her powers come from? To find those answers she sets out on a journey of discovery, both inward and outward, of dark mysteries as well as light. Will she master them, or they her?

She is inexperienced and faces incredible dangers in the course of her quest to defeat the darkness that is spreading across the land.

Her journey takes her through a landscape of wizards, elves, faeries and wolves, as she throws herself headlong into the fray to rid her world of the threat by the Dark Lord.

It is a journey that will eventually change Montayna as well as the world around her.

 Author Interview

1. What inspired you to write a paranormal story?

I have always had a love of fantasy and the elemental worlds. They inspire me to write.

2. Has anything paranormal ever happened to you?

Yes, I have seen Spirit since as long as I can remember and almost everywhere I go I meet otherworldly beings. Several years ago I had major surgery and during the night woke to see a nurse in an old fashioned uniform sitting beside my bed. I asked her why she was there and her reply was. “Just rest my dear and get well, I will watch over you.” I felt perfectly safe so went back to sleep. She came each night until I went home. She had been a nurse in the hospital and after she passed, her Spirit stayed to watch over the sick.

3. If you could be any character in fiction, who would you be?

I would definitely be a witch with the ability of ‘fire magik’. That is my ability and I would love to be depicted in a book.

4. How was your publication experience?

I first published with Amazon and luckily for me I had a friend who is a computer whiz to help me. Although I now know how to do it myself and it is relatively easy, at the time I was a novice and needed help.

5. Can you give me one of your ‘aha moments’? An Aha moment is when it, meaning a life lesson, becomes clear to you (got it from Oprah).

Well this is pretty awful, but there was one moment that turned my life around. When I was young, I was attacked and had gone through months of anguish, then one morning I woke up and remember saying out loud “There has to be something more to life than this.” From that moment everything began to change. The Universe had heard my call, I never looked back.

6. James Bond ordered a martini, shaken, not stirred. What’s your poison?

I love a really great red wine, you can’t beat it.

7. How do you stay inspired to write?

I am surrounded by elemental beings so they keep my inspired. If I seem to lose my flow, they pester me until I pick up my pen again.

8. How do you find the time to write?

I am blessed to not have to go out to work.   I get up in the morning and see my husband off to work, then, curl up on the sofa with notebook and pen and let the words flow. I hand write first as I love the flow of the words as they appear on the paper. I have tried to type straight into the computer but end up sitting watching a blank page. I have Dragon Naturally Speaking, so then dictate my writing; it is so easy to use.

9. The clincher–describe yourself in six words!

Creative, magikal, loyal, adventurous, mystical, witch.


Thanks so much to Ch’kara SilverWolf for taking the time to participate in this interview.

***Please leave your comments and questions for her below!***


Find Ch’kara SilverWolf 

WordPress Blog



Buy the Book on Amazon


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About shondabrock

I'm a southern in my heart and a northern in my soul. I've had a few bad wines, but for the most part I've enjoyed enough good wines that it makes up for the few bad bottles. I enjoy writing, but more than writing itself, I love telling a good story, taking my reader off on an adventure starting with "What If"…. I'm a sucker for the Paranormal Romance genre. To me, its nice to be released from "What Is Expected" and believe for 250 pages in "What If's". Its like a vacation with out passports, waiting in line and an expensive credit card bill when you return home. An additional note: I've started another blog page for Home Care. I know the two are unrelated, but in my world they are. My paying job is 100% dedicated to Home Care and educating families on their new journey. One of my favorite quotes, I leave with all of my clients. "One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." - by Henry Miller Please Enjoy, but more importantly Stay Inspired…
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3 Responses to Author Ch’kara SilverWolf on Paranormal Wednesday

  1. Pingback: Check out my interview | Ch'kara SilverWolf

  2. lalouziane says:

    Great interview! Ch’kara is a dear person and I’m glad I know her. She’s also gifted and very interesting!

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